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The Servant: The Sacrifice

December 29, 2019 Speaker: Jason Wegener Series: Mark

Topic: PM Service Passage: Mark 10:32–45

In this text, Christ tells the disciples for the third time that he is facing His death. Here He even gives them more details about His suffering and the events that will precede His death. Yet the disciples are only concerned for themselves and their own glory- showing that they neither know the way that the Lord is going to take to accomplish the mission that He came to do, nor are they willing to follow Him in that way. There is a gap in their understanding, as well as in their expectation and desire of what it means to live as a follower of Christ. In response to their selfishness, Christ reminds them that He came to be a servant and to give His life for their sins and for ours.

I. Death Foretold
A. The amazement of the disciples
B. The fear of the others
C. Comparison with previous passion predictions

II. Selfish Desire
A. The audacity of the disciples
B. Their similarity with us
C. The cup that Jesus drank

III. The Self-less Sacrifice of the Servant
A. The world’s way
B. Christ’s way
C. Servant and Sacrifice

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