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Responding to Trials and Temptations

December 30, 2018 Speaker: Jason Wegener Series: James

Topic: AM Service Passage: James 1:12–18

As we consider James 1:12-18, we see that this epistle once again speaks to us in very practical ways as it teaches us how we ought to respond to trials and temptations. As in much of Scripture, there is encouragement, warning, and comfort in this text. James again teaches us about trials, but here he sets before us a glorious hope that we can cling to in our trials. He then gives one of the premier teachings in Scripture about the source of temptations. He finishes the passage with a reminder of the work that God has done and is doing in us.

I. The Reward of Steadfastness
A. The Promise is Sure
B. The Promise is for Those who Love God

II. An Analysis of Temptation
A. Temptation does not originate with God
B. Temptation comes from within

III. God’s Purposes in Us
A. He is the immutable giver of all good gifts
B. His goodness is shown in salvation

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