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Is This the End?

March 11, 2018 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: 1 Samuel

Topic: AM Service Passage: 1 Samuel 31:1–13

Everybody loves a happy ending. We want to see the hero save the day, or the leading couple fall in love and get married, or the disease gets cured. But part of the reason that we love seeing happy endings is that we do not always get them in life. Our Lord Jesus promised that He would never leave nor forsake His people, but He did not promise a life of ease and comfort. In fact, He promised just the opposite – that “in the world you will have tribulation.” (John 16:33) But there is a vast difference between the tribulation that believers experience, knowing that Jesus has “overcome the world,” and the hopelessness that descends on those who have rejected God when tragedy strikes. 1 Samuel ends on just such a note. We see the end of Saul, who continues to refuse to repent and seek God in spite of all his personal failures. At the same time, we are struck by the fall of Jonathan, a faithful servant of the Lord. All of this happens at the same time that David is experiencing the victory that God has provided to him. In chapter 31, we ask ourselves, “Is This the End?” (1 Samuel 31:1-13).

I. What is Tragedy?
A. Fruit of a Life of Disobedience
B. Loss of the Faithful

II. What Have You Learned?
A. What is the Lord’s Word? 
B. What is Your Gospel?

III. Where is the Hope?
A. Grace of the Lord
B. Faith in the Lord

Questions for consideration: (1) How does the book of 1 Samuel affect your view of life? Why do you think the Lord wanted you to have the book’s message? (2) Should we be surprised at Saul’s fate? If not, what does that tell us about our relationship with the Lord? (3) What can you learn from the actions of the men of Jabesh-gilead?

More in 1 Samuel

March 4, 2018

Strength in the Midst of Struggle

February 18, 2018

Saved by the Philistines

February 11, 2018

The King & the Witch