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Saved by the Philistines

February 18, 2018 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: 1 Samuel

Topic: AM Service Passage: 1 Samuel 29:1–11

What happens when believers make bad choices? Not just the kind of “bad” choices that cost a little extra money or time, but bad choices that call into question their faith in the Lord? The author of 1 Samuel sets up tension for us as he describes the bad choices of a man who is after God’s own heart (David) and a man who has rejected the Lord and been judged by the Lord (Saul). Chapters 27-29 show that the most important thing in life is not our wisdom, our choices, or even our faithfulness – the most important thing in life is the relentless, free grace of God. Even when David does not deserve the Lord’s grace, it comes to him because it is exactly that: free grace! The Lord pursues His wandering sheep, even to the extent that he is “Saved by the Philistines” (1 Samuel 29:1-11).

I. David in Danger
A. Fruit of Foolish Choices
B. Double-Minded and Unstable

II. David is Delivered
A. The Surprising Work of the Lord
B. The Persistent Work of the Lord

Questions for consideration: (1) When was the last time that you realized your poor decision was the cause of problems you were experiencing? How long did it take you to figure that out? What did you do once you had figured it out? (2) Can you think of an occasion where something surprisingly happened in your life that delivered you from depression, anger, or sin? Is there a way that you can see how the Lord was at work in that? (3) Why is it so important to view the grace and mercy of the Lord as being persistent and more than we deserve?

More in 1 Samuel

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Is This the End?

March 4, 2018

Strength in the Midst of Struggle

February 11, 2018

The King & the Witch