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The Word Became Flesh

December 25, 2016 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Christmas

Topic: AM Service Passage: John 1:1–18

There are several great events recounted in the Bible – events that go beyond even the miraculous and wondrous things that fill its pages. These events are like Mt. Everest among the Rockies, tall and majestic even among the tall and majestic. One of those events is the incarnation – the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in Bethlehem. The Bible is the story of how the Lord God is redeeming for Himself a sinful people who have sinned against their Creator. At the core of that story is the incarnation. The only way that redemption could be obtained by sinners is if someone paid the price – an infinite price. The only one who could satisfy the wrath of God and pay the debt of sin is God Himself. As we look at the problem, we are perplexed. We cannot imagine how God would die for sins. We cannot imagine why God would die for the sins of others. But the cosmic conundrum is answered in the Person of Jesus Christ. Jesus willingly and lovingly came to earth to live a perfect life and to die a death that would atone for sin. As Wesley’s famous hymn states: “’Tis mystery all: th’Immortal dies: Who can explore His strange design?” The Apostle John peers into this mystery as he writes of the glories of Jesus, the true God, the eternal Word, who came to earth to dwell among men and to complete the work that the Father gave him. Let us explore the wonder of how “The Word Became Flesh” (John 1:1-18).

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