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Jesus Equips the Saints

September 18, 2016 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Ephesians

Topic: AM Service Passage: Ephesians 4:7–16

When we look out into the world, the task of the Church seems overwhelming, even impossible. The Church is called to change the world, with individual believers being salt and light in places and to people that are hostile to the Lord and His message. The Bible reminds us, however, that we are not alone in the mission that Jesus has given to us. Our Lord Jesus Christ has purchased grace by His life and death, and He has given that grace to His followers. Jesus equips each and every believer with exactly the gifts He intends to be used for the building up of His Church. All of the talents and gifts we have are for the purpose of building up the saints and declaring the glory of King Jesus. In this, we can take heart: Jesus intends for His people to grow in grace and maturity in the faith. We are not alone, because “Jesus Equips the Saints” (Ephesians 4:7-16).

I. Giver
A. The Measure of Grace
B. Obtaining Gifts

II. Gifts
A. Foundational Gifts
B. Continuing Gifts

III. Goal
A. Building Up the Body
B. Ministry by the Body

Questions for consideration: (1) Why is it important for Paul to link gifts with grace? What does this tell you about your own life? (2) Why is it important that the saints (all followers of Jesus) be equipped for the work of the ministry? What do you believe Jesus has equipped you to do? How can you use those gifts in the present? (3) How does Paul describe a “mature” Christian? In what ways can you grow in maturity in Christ?

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