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Rahab's Choice

September 11, 2016 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Joshua

Topic: PM Service Passage: Joshua 2:1–24

The story of Rahab is that of an unlikely hero, of a pagan immoral woman who is gripped by the power and grace of God, and who chooses to follow the Lord. This story is intentionally inserted into the Joshua narrative to show how no one is too far from the grace of God, and to show that the Lord sovereignly calls people to Himself.

I. Who Was Rahab?
A. She is Important
B. She is Unlikely

II. What Did Rahab Do?
A. She Heard By Faith
B. She Acted By Faith

III. What Does this Tell Us About God?
A. Our God is Faithful
B. Our God is Gracious

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Joshua's Charge

April 23, 2017

The End of the War

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