Christ Our Peace
July 17, 2016 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Ephesians
Topic: AM Service Passage: Ephesians 2:14–18
One of the most wished for things in the world is peace. We wish people would not be in conflict with one another; we wish nations would not fight wars; we wish families would get along. We do not lack peace because we do not want it – we lack peace because we are looking in all the wrong places. We want peace on our terms, that is, we want everyone around us to give in to our desires. This was exactly the case among the Jews and Gentiles of the first century. The Jews were perfectly willing to have peace with the Gentiles, provided that the Gentiles became Jews. The Gentiles likewise required a transformation of the Jews. But Paul describes how the Lord Jesus brought about peace, by making a new third man, the Christian! Neither Jew nor Gentile, Jesus broke down the wall of separation and created for Himself a new people. Jesus did this by reconciling sinners first to God, and then to each other. We must understand that the only way to know peace is through “Christ Our Peace” (Ephesians 2:14-18).
I. We Need Peace
A. Sin Separates Us From God
B. Sin Separates Us From Each Other
II. Christ Brings Peace
A. Destroying Hostility
B. Bringing Unity
C. Reconciling Us to God
III. Christ Is Our Peace
A. That is Our Message
B. That is Our Relationship
Questions for consideration: (1) Why is it so important for us to recognize the separating nature of sin? How do we describe that to others around us? (2) In what practical ways can we see the power of Christ destroy the hostility in our nation, neighborhoods, and families? How can you be an instrument of unity? Think of three practical things you can do. (3) How should this passage affect the way in which we tell others about Jesus?
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