Redemption and Forgiveness
May 15, 2016 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Ephesians
Topic: AM Service Passage: Ephesians 1:7–10
There are times when life is overwhelming. It happens when we face a problem that seems unsolvable; an obstacle that appears insurmountable; a failure that seems unrepairable. At those times, we are tempted to give up and sink into despair and hopelessness. The Bible does not teach that those times, problems, obstacles, or failures are unreal or unimportant. It teaches instead the gospel of God’s grace, in which the Lord our God shows Himself to be bigger and more powerful than anything we face. In the midst of his great statement of praise for God in Ephesians 1, Paul describes for us the great work of God the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, in purchasing salvation for His people. Redemption and forgiveness come in Christ, and our experience of God’s salvation is the best reminder we could have that God is in control and that He has a purpose and plan for not only us but for all of creation. That purpose is set forth in Jesus Christ, without whom we would never know “Redemption and Forgiveness” (Ephesians 1:7-10).
I. God’s Grace in Christ
A. Redemption
B. Forgiveness
C. Free Grace
II. God’s Message in Christ
A. Revealing the Mystery
B. Perfect Timing
C. Uniting All Things in Christ
Questions for consideration: (1) What does it mean for you that your redemption was bought with the price of Christ’s blood? How does it affect how you live? (2) What are the things that are hardest for you to forgive in others? Why? (3) What does it tell you about Jesus that all things will be united in Him? How does that affect the way you look at the world? Your own life?

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