Salvation from the Lord
March 27, 2016 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Zechariah
Topic: AM Service Passage: Zechariah 10:6–12
The story of God’s grace to sinners fills the whole Bible. That grace comes to us in the Person and Work of the Lord Jesus Christ – and it is no clearer than when we see the glorious resurrection of Jesus, declaring that Jesus has conquered death itself. But centuries before the tomb was empty, the Lord spoke words of comfort and hope to His people through the prophet Zechariah. He spoke of Himself as their shepherd, leading them through all the trials and dangers of life. He spoke of how He would gather His people in so that they might live, and rejoice in Him. The Lord promises the believer in Christ that “he shall pass through the sea of troubles and strike down the waves of the sea” and the Lord says “will make them strong in the LORD, and they shall walk in his name.” There is no greater comfort, no greater hope than to know that we belong to the Lord and that He has won the victory. That is what it means to know “Salvation from the Lord” (Zechariah 10:6-12).
I. Salvation’s Description
A. Deliverance
B. Restoration
C. Joy
II. Salvation’s Work
A. The Power of God
B. Gathering His Sheep
III. Salvation’s Victory
A. Jesus Has Compassion
B. Jesus Leads the Way
C. Jesus Renews His People
Questions for consideration: (1) What are three areas in your life that you know you cannot control by yourself? What stops you from turning them over to the Lord? (2) Why are we reluctant to give to God all the credit for the work of salvation? What are we afraid we might lose when we do that? (3) How does it help you today to know that Jesus has gone before you – to death and resurrection?
More in Zechariah
May 1, 2016
The Coming Day of the LordApril 24, 2016
The Cleansing FountainApril 17, 2016
Mourning the Pierced One