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The Trial of Jesus

November 8, 2015 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Luke

Topic: AM Service Passage: Luke 22:63– 23:25

Justice is an important and relevant topic in the world today. When our sense of justice is betrayed, we get upset and want to see things put right. But one of the ironies of life is that when we are the ones who make the mistake when we are the guilty ones, we want anything but justice. We expect to be given a “free pass” or to be forgiven quickly. Others’ sins are grievous affronts that must be paid for; our sins are small things best forgotten quickly. The problem with this skewed view of justice is that it is inconsistent and undefinable. It leads to conflict and trouble. But the Bible teaches us otherwise: there is an absolute standard of justice to which a holy God holds all people. God does not wink at sin or pretend all is ok because we want Him to. How then can we have hope before a just God? Our only hope is that another has paid the penalty for our sins, that another took on our guilt as His own. That is what we see as Jesus prepares for the cross. Jesus is brought before Jewish leaders, Pilate, Herod, and Pilate again, and no guilt can be found. Yet after enduring all those trials and being proven innocent, Jesus went to the cross, being declared guilty for the sake of those who believe in Him. In the end, our only hope is that we have been replaced by Jesus. He paid the price, and we begin to see it as we look at “The Trial of Jesus” (Luke 22:63-23:25).

I. Before the Council
A. Mistreated
B. Misunderstood
C. Maligned

II. Before Herod
A. Suffering in Silence
B. Suffering Innocent

III. Back Before Pilate
A. The Rejected One
B. The Substitute One
C. The Chosen One

Questions for consideration: (1) Why do you think the Jewish leaders mistreated Jesus so badly? What does that warn you about in your own life? (2) Why didn’t Jesus respond to Herod? How can people in society react to Jesus like Herod did? What temptations do you face to act that way? (3) In the end, why did Pilate deliver Jesus to be crucified? What warning does that bring to you? (4) How does your knowledge about the trial of Jesus affect the way you live each day? Why?

More in Luke

December 20, 2015

The Reality of Jesus

December 6, 2015

The Road to Emmaus

November 29, 2015

The Resurrection of Jesus