The Banquet of the King
December 21, 2014 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Luke
Topic: AM Service Passage: Luke 14:7–14:24
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How highly do you think of yourself? That’s an interesting question, is it? The quick and easy answer is: “I’m just an ordinary person. I don’t put on airs. After all, I’m not famous or a millionaire!” It is this sort of thinking that can make us oblivious to the sin of pride in our lives. While we confess that they are people higher than us on the social and importance scale, the reality is that we think that there are a great many people below us as well. The real danger of this kind of thinking is that we apply it not only to our peers, but also to God. When we think that we are pretty good, we tend more and more to believe that we have no need for God. If we have no need for God, why should we answer His invitation? Why should we inconvenience ourselves to come to Him on His terms? Jesus challenges this kind of thinking; He tells you to stop making excuses. He tells you to listen to the call of God before it is too late. The banquet is set, and the call has gone forth, but a time is coming when the door will be shut, and the Master will be angry. As the invitation comes to you, now is the time to go to “The Banquet of the King” (Luke 14:7-24).
I. The King Changes How We View Ourselves (14:7-11)
A. Our Natural Pride
B. Jesus Brings Humility
II. The King Changes How We View Others (14:12-14)
A. Our Natural Self-Interest
B. Jesus Brings Generosity
III. The King Changes How We View His Kingdom (14:15-24)
A. Our Natural Disinterest
B. Jesus Brings a Compelling Call
Questions for consideration: (1) In what ways have you sought others to think more highly of you? What can you do to cultivate humility? (2) How can you build relationships with others who are not like you? Why should you do that? (3) What excuses have you used to distance yourself from Jesus? From His Word? From His people?

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