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November 16, 2014 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Luke

Topic: AM Service Passage: Luke 12:49–12:59

We can be surprised by the great difficulties that following God’s Word can bring. There are times when we are confused – not understanding why people would not want at least to follow the “good advice” of the Bible. After all, the Bible has many wise things to say about the family, work, and being kind to one another. The why are many people so hostile to the Bible and Christians? Why are there so many divisions caused by faith in Christ? The reality is that it is Jesus and His Word that bring division. There is no compromise with Jesus – either you believe what He says and follow Him or else you are going to be offended by Him. Understanding that is the first step to “Discernment” (Luke 12:49-59)

I. Understanding Jesus (12:49-50)
A. Jesus Knew the Cost
B. Jesus Knew What Was at Stake

II. Understanding the Message (12:51-53)
A. The Message Divides
B. The Message Belongs to Jesus

III. Understanding Our Need (12:54-59)
A. Seeing the Times
B. Settling the Case

Questions for consideration: (1) Why is it practically important for us to understand Jesus’ desire to go to the cross? (2) If we think Jesus came only to bring peace, how does that affect our view of the gospel? What will it do in our lives? (3) What are some reasons today that you would delay coming (or not come at all) to Jesus?

More in Luke

December 20, 2015

The Reality of Jesus

December 6, 2015

The Road to Emmaus

November 29, 2015

The Resurrection of Jesus