Glory on the Mountain
July 27, 2014 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Luke
Topic: AM Service Passage: Luke 9:28–9:36
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It is a good thing for us to seek to know Jesus better and better each day. There is a blessing to be found in the fact that we know Jesus as our elder brother, our Savior, and our friend. But we must also be careful that we do not forget who Jesus is – God Himself and the Lord of the universe. After all, it is because Jesus is the Lord God that He can save us. The same challenge must have come to Jesus’ disciples, who spent day after day with Him. They might have lost sight of the fact that the Jesus who walked, talked, and ate with them was the same Jesus who spun the universe into being. Peter, James, and John received a vivid reminder of Jesus’ glory on evening on a mountain top. The veil was pealed back, and Jesus Deity shone through His humanity. They saw, and we see, Jesus as He really is, in His “Glory on the Mountain” (Luke 9:28-36).
I. What Happened on the Mountain
A. Glimpse Into Reality
B. Who Was There
C. What They Talked About
II. Not Quite Ready Yet
A. Mistakes in Judgment
B. Mistakenly Clinging
III. What God Declared
A. Jesus is the Son
B. Jesus is the Chosen One
C. Jesus is the One To Whom We Listen
Questions for consideration: (1) Why do you think it was important for the disciples (and for us) to see Jesus’ glory unveiled, if even for a short time? (2) In what ways do you tend to minimize the difference between Jesus and others? (3) What will it mean for your life if you really listen to Jesus?

More in Luke
December 20, 2015
The Reality of JesusDecember 6, 2015
The Road to EmmausNovember 29, 2015
The Resurrection of Jesus