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No Pleasing Some People

May 4, 2014 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Luke

Topic: AM Service Passage: Luke 7:18–7:35

Often those within the Church spend their time looking out at the world, wondering why the world does not believe on Jesus. It is seemingly all too easy for us to spend our time judging those who will not believe; after all, that is the most important issue anyone faces – will they believe the claim of Jesus that “no one comes to the Father except through me”? But there is something else that must seize our attention, something else that is critical for us, but it is difficult to put into practice. We must look our own doubts in the face. We must decide in the hour of confusion, disappointment, and trouble whether Jesus is enough for us. It is this sort of time that came upon John, the one whom “among those born of women none is greater than.” He had obeyed the call of the Lord, and things had not gone as he had hoped. A time of self-doubt washed over him, and he did the only thing that any of us can do at such a time: he went to Jesus. Jesus answered His doubts, and in the process gave us a glimpse of what it means to accept Christ, and what it means to reject Him. Jesus knew, better than any of us, that there is “No Pleasing Some People” (Luke 7:18-35)

I. Answering Doubts (7:18-23)
A. Are You the One?
B. Jesus is the One

II. Affirming the Messenger (7:24-28)
A. What Did You Expect?
B. Messiah’s Messenger

III. Analyzing the Hearers (7:29-35)
A. Agreeing with God
B. Finding Fault with God

Questions for consideration: (1) What circumstances have caused you to hesitate in your faith or doubt? How did you respond when that happened? (2) Why are some people never satisfied with Jesus? How does such restlessness manifest itself in your life? What can you do about it? (3) What does Jesus’ parable about the children teach us about witnessing for Christ?

More in Luke

December 20, 2015

The Reality of Jesus

December 6, 2015

The Road to Emmaus

November 29, 2015

The Resurrection of Jesus