Join us Sundays at 8:30AM, 11:00AM, & 6:00PM

A Family Reunion

May 26, 2013 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Genesis

Topic: AM Service Passage: Genesis 45:1–45:28

The story of Joseph takes a dramatic turn, as Joseph reveals himself to his brothers. He shows that he is able to forgive them - and this shows us that the only way to forgive is to know that we are forgiven, and that the Lord is in control.

I. Forgiveness
A. The Challenge of Forgiveness
B. The Freedom of Forgiveness

II. Faith
A. In God’s Plan
B. In God’s Purpose

III. Fruit
A. Reconciliation
B. Peace

Questions for consideration: (1) Is there someone you have struggled to forgive? Why? Does this passage encourage you to let go of anger and frustration? (2) Why is it so important not just theologically but practically to believe in God’s sovereignty? (3) What does forgiveness and reconciliation with others teach us about our standing before a holy God?

More in Genesis

July 21, 2013

God's Good Purpose

July 14, 2013

Israel's Prophecy

June 16, 2013

Seeing What God Sees