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While most of the prophetic books are directed at the people of Israel and share several common themes (judgment, calls to repentance, etc.), the book of Nahum is directed towards the foreign nation of Assyria. It warns them of God’s sure judgment against them for their many acts of terrorism and violence against other nations, and specifically against God’s people. While the events and even the civilizations of the book are long gone, the unchanging character of a Holy God is vividly revealed in Nahum. This book should help us to understand more of God as a God of judgment and holiness. He punishes sin, but He is also a God who loves the righteous and “He knows those who take refuge in Him.”

July 29, 2018

God is Just

Speaker: Jason Wegener Series: Nahum Topic: AM Service Passage: Nahum 3:1–19

June 17, 2018

God is Judge

Speaker: Jason Wegener Series: Nahum Topic: AM Service Passage: Nahum 2:1–13

January 21, 2018

The Kindness and the Severity of God

Speaker: Jason Wegener Series: Nahum Topic: AM Service Passage: Nahum 1:1–15