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Contained in the book of Joshua is the story of Israelites' conquest of the Promised Land. Israel faced many challenges, not the least of which was obeying God in the face of the loss of their leader and God's spokesman, Moses. But the Lord promised to be with Joshua, and Joshua led Israel to follow after God's promises. The book of Joshua is a good reminder to God's people that the Lord is ever faithful to His promises, and we are called to trust in Him, regardless of our circumstances.

May 21, 2017

Joshua's Charge

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Joshua Topic: PM Service Passage: Joshua 23:1–16

April 23, 2017

The End of the War

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Joshua Topic: PM Service Passage: Joshua 22:1–34

March 19, 2017

Special Provisions

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Joshua Topic: PM Service Passage: Joshua 20:1– 21:45

March 12, 2017

Divisions, Lots, and Complaints

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Joshua Topic: PM Service Passage: Joshua 15:1– 19:51

February 26, 2017

A Man of Faith

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Joshua Topic: PM Service Passage: Joshua 14:6–15

February 19, 2017


Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Joshua Topic: PM Service Passage: Joshua 13:1– 14:5

January 15, 2017

The Powerlessness of the World

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Joshua Topic: PM Service Passage: Joshua 11:1– 12:24

January 8, 2017

The Longest Day

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Joshua Topic: PM Service Passage: Joshua 10:1–43

December 11, 2016

Hiding in Plain Sight

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Joshua Topic: PM Service Passage: Joshua 9:1–27

November 20, 2016

Remembering the Lord

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Joshua Topic: PM Service Passage: Joshua 8:1–35

November 13, 2016

Sin in the Camp

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Joshua Topic: PM Service Passage: Joshua 7:1–26

November 6, 2016

God Fought the Battle of Jericho

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Joshua Topic: PM Service Passage: Joshua 6:1–27

October 2, 2016

What it Means to Belong to the Lord

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Joshua Topic: PM Service Passage: Joshua 5:1–15

September 18, 2016

No Turning Back

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Joshua Topic: PM Service Passage: Joshua 3:1– 4:24

September 11, 2016

Rahab's Choice

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Joshua Topic: PM Service Passage: Joshua 2:1–24

September 4, 2016

Be Strong in the Lord

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Joshua Topic: PM Service Passage: Joshua 1:1–18