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Sermons from 2011

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December 25, 2011

Justified by Grace

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Titus Topic: AM Service Passage: Titus 3:4–3:8

December 18, 2011

The Gentleness of Grace

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Titus Topic: AM Service Passage: Titus 3:1–3:7

December 11, 2011

Pursuing the Mission

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Jonah Topic: PM Service Passage: Jonah 1:4–1:16

December 11, 2011

The Authority of Grace

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Titus Topic: AM Service Passage: Titus 2:15–2:15

December 4, 2011

Forsaking the Mission

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Jonah Topic: PM Service Passage: Jonah 1:1–1:3

November 27, 2011

The Appearance of Grace

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Titus Topic: AM Service Passage: Titus 2:11–2:14

November 20, 2011

A Model of Good Works

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Titus Topic: AM Service Passage: Titus 2:7–2:10

November 13, 2011

Teaching in the Church

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Titus Topic: AM Service Passage: Titus 2:1–2:6

November 13, 2011

Surely He Comes

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 22:1–22:21

November 6, 2011

Windbags and Deceivers

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Titus Topic: AM Service Passage: Titus 1:10–1:16

October 30, 2011

Qualifications for Elders

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Titus Topic: AM Service Passage: Titus 1:5–1:9

October 30, 2011

The New Jerusalem

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 21:1–21:26

October 23, 2011

The Promise Manifested

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Titus Topic: AM Service Passage: Titus 1:1–1:4

October 16, 2011

The Millennium

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 20:1–20:15

October 9, 2011

The Victory of the Lamb

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 19:1–19:21

October 9, 2011

The Hope of God's People

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Amos Topic: AM Service Passage: Amos 9:1–9:15

October 2, 2011

Babylon is Fallen!

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 18:1–18:24

October 2, 2011

The End is Coming

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Amos Topic: AM Service Passage: Amos 8:1–8:14

September 25, 2011

The Man of God

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Amos Topic: AM Service Passage: Amos 7:10–7:17

September 18, 2011

Babylon, the Opposer of God

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 17:1–17:18

September 18, 2011

Warning Visions

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Amos Topic: AM Service Passage: Amos 7:1–7:9

September 11, 2011

Woe in Zion

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Amos Topic: AM Service Passage: Amos 6:1–6:14

September 4, 2011

Bowls of Wrath

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 16:1–16:21

September 4, 2011

Play Religion

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Amos Topic: AM Service Passage: Amos 5:18–5:25

August 28, 2011

The Song of the Redeemed

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 15:1–15:8

August 28, 2011

God's Merciful Interruption

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Amos Topic: AM Service Passage: Amos 5:1–5:17

August 21, 2011

The Lamb and His Harvest

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 14:1–14:20

August 21, 2011

Covenant Lawsuit

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Amos Topic: AM Service Passage: Amos 4:1–4:13

August 14, 2011

When the Lord is Your Enemy

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Amos Topic: AM Service Passage: Amos 3:1–3:15

August 7, 2011

Unholy Persecution

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 13:1–13:18

August 7, 2011

The Cure For a Complacent Church

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Amos Topic: AM Service Passage: Amos 2:4–2:16

July 24, 2011

The Great Conflict

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 12:1–12:17

July 24, 2011

Judgment on the Nations

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Amos Topic: AM Service Passage: Amos 1:1–2:3

July 10, 2011

Rome at Last!

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 28:1–28:31

July 3, 2011

A Divine Shipwreck

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 27:1–27:44

June 26, 2011

The Two Witnesses

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 11:1–11:19

June 26, 2011

Paul and Agrippa

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 25:13–26:32

June 19, 2011

A Powerful Messenger and Message

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 10:1–10:11

June 19, 2011

Paul and Festus

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 25:1–25:12

June 12, 2011

The Danger of Almost Becoming a Christian

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 24:1–24:27

May 29, 2011

The Plot to Kill Paul

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 23:12–23:35

May 22, 2011

Paul Before the Sanhedrin

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 22:30–23:11

May 15, 2011

Testifying for Jesus

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 21:37–22:29

May 8, 2011

Standing In the Face of Attacks

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 21:27–21:36

May 1, 2011

Plagues of Judgment

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 8:13–9:21

May 1, 2011

Not Standing on Your Rights

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 21:17–21:26

April 24, 2011

Not Our Will, but Yours, O Lord

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 21:1–21:16

April 17, 2011

Silence, Smoke and Seven Trumpets

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 8:1–8:12

April 17, 2011

Encouraging the Ephesian Elders

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 20:17–20:38

April 3, 2011

A Multitude Secured by the Lamb

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 7:1–7:17

April 3, 2011

On the Road to Jerusalem

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 20:1–20:16

March 27, 2011

A Riot Breaks Out

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 19:21–19:41

March 13, 2011

Who Can Stand the Wrath of the Lamb?

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 6:1–6:17

March 13, 2011

The Power of the Lord in Ephesus

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 19:1–19:20

February 27, 2011

Worthy is the Lamb

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 5:1–5:14

February 27, 2011

Speaking Boldly in Antioch

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 18:18–18:28

February 20, 2011

Before the Throne

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 4:1–4:11

February 20, 2011

Corinthian Chaos

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 18:1–18:17

February 13, 2011

The Church at Laodicea

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 3:14–3:22

February 13, 2011

Confronting Cultural Unbelief

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 17:16–17:32

February 6, 2011

The Church at Philadelphia

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 3:7–3:13

February 6, 2011

Some Noble, Some Not So Much

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 17:1–17:15

January 23, 2011

Joy in Jail

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 16:16–16:40

January 16, 2011

The Church at Sardis

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 3:1–3:6

January 16, 2011

Come Over Here!

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 16:1–16:15

January 9, 2011

When Brethren Disagree

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 15:36–15:41