Join us Sundays at 8:30AM, 11:00AM, & 6:00PM

Tegucigalpa, HN June 7-14

IMG_3387 Jorge A. Gutiérrez


Each year, Christ Church desires to provide an opportunity to its members to go outside of their comfort zone and be involved in a short-term ministry to others on the mission field. In the summer of 2025, a team from Christ Church will travel to Tegucigalpa, Honduras to visit and serve the Halberts, our missionaries there. 

About the Halberts

Halbert Picture2

Aaron was born in Honduras and lived there until he was 10. Rachel grew up in Mississippi. They met on a blind date in 2004 and quickly realized they both had a passion for missions. Because of Aaron’s background, he had a desire to one day return to Honduras. Rachel served on several mission trips to Haiti, during which she realized the great need for God’s Word to be preached worldwide. In 2006, they married and moved to Honduras to teach in a bilingual school outside of Tegucigalpa. While there, they became even more aware of the need for churches that teach the transforming power of the gospel (Romans 10:17).

The Halberts are currently serving in the capital of Honduras, Tegucigalpa, where Aaron pastors the church plant there. Their work includes discipleship, mentoring, and seeking to raise up godly men within Honduras to plant more confessional presbyterian churches.

Trip Overview

Saturday, June 7th: We will travel to Teguigalpa. For dinner we will eat at a restaurant with Aaron Halbert and hear about his vision for ministry to the city.

Sunday, June 8th: We will worship at the church, go to Sunday School, and have lunch with Halberts at thier home. Later we will return to the church for evening worship, then split up for a meal either with the adults or youth, who are meeting for games and teaching. 

Monday-Thursday, June 9-12: These are our primary work days. Our time will be divided in the following ways:

  • Work at the church: painting, light construction, cleanup and declutter. The church has been renovating their building for some years. 
  • Work at a special needs home: the work here could range from larger construction (if we have people who are capable), to visitng those at the home, singing songs, and seeing the grounds.
  • Work at the "trash dump": an impoverished area where a school meets. We would deliver food, other resources, and meet some of the kids. 

Friday, June 13: This is our sightseeing day. We have a few options to choose from which include taking motor taxis up the mountain, hiking to see a waterfall, visiting a rainforest, or going to a fun swimming hole. This day will also provide some options for shopping. 

Saturday, June 14: We will travel back to Katy, TX. 

Where are we staying?

We will be staying at the Humuya inn. We stayed there during our last trip and the inn was very comfortable and quite nice. Breakfast is served each morning (the fresh fruit there is incredible). Check out the Humaya Inn!

Who can go?

  • Members and attendees of Christ Church.
  • Young adults and families are welcome - Youth ages 15-17 may attend with their parents.
  • Anyone who is interested in supporting the ministries in Tegucigalpa.
  • Anyone interested in working with and interacting with our missionaries, the Halberts.
  • Construction experience isn't necessary but the willingness to participate and follow instructions is necessary.
  • Routine U.S. vaccinations are required including dT-dptheria, MMR, Polio, and an up to date Tetanus booster.


When is the Trip?

  • June 7-14, 2025

How will we get there?

  • We will be flying together to Tegucigalpa. 
  • Valid US passports are required. 


What is the cost?

  • 1st person - $900
  • Each additional family member is reduced by $100 (IE $900, $800, $700, $600, etc...)
  • The price you pay covers the costs for your food and stay, which are arranged by the Halberts. 


What do I need to do?

Feel free to reach out to Curt Mire (curt.mire@cckpca.org) or the Global Missions Team (missions@cckpca.org) if you have any questions.

See photos from our last mission trip to Honduras!

Mission Trip 2023– Image 1 of 12