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Proud King: Rebellious Queen

June 12, 2022 Speaker: Jason Wegener Series: Esther

Topic: PM Service Passage: Esther 1:1–22

In this series on the Old Testament book of Esther, we will follow the events of this very interesting and important book. As we study this book, we will see how the major players of Ahasuerus, Esther, Mordecai and Haman act in ways that sometimes make us shudder, sometime make us laugh. However, while the name of God is not mentioned in the book, we will see that He is the major player- the chief actor in this whole story! He is accomplishing His will and preserving and protecting His people in a very unfriendly setting! In chapter 1, we see the great Persian Empire introduced in all its pomp and grandeur. However, we also see that this empire is not all that it is propped up to be. For all its wealth and glory, it is challenged and mocked by Queen Vashti. It is a reminder that the only true King is King Jesus!

I. The Empire of the World
II. Rebellion in the Empire
III. The Empire Strikes Back
IV. The Only lasting Empire

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A Memorial of Deliverance

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