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Patient Endurance

May 9, 2021 Speaker: Jason Wegener Series: James

Topic: AM Service Passage: James 5:7–12

In the early verses of chapter 5, James condemns the rich who have unjustly profited from their laborers. Here in James 5:7-12, he offers encouragement and admonition to those who are oppressed. The author circles back to the topic that opens this epistle, remaining steadfast in trials. James places our eyes on the return of Christ to show us the ‘precious fruit’, the harvest of our trials on this earth. God is at work in all our trials to conform us to the image of His Son.

A. Be Patient
B. Stand Firm
C. Speak Truth
D. The Lord is Coming

Conclusion- We are called to an active waiting. We should: Anticipate His promised return. Acquaint ourselves with His promises. Acknowledge His character. Embrace the fellowship of other believers. Educate ourselves- learn about other Christians' experiences through biographies, blogs, etc.

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