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A Warning to the Rich - And to All

March 21, 2021 Speaker: Jason Wegener Series: James

Topic: AM Service Passage: James 5:1–6

Do you consider yourself wealthy? Most of us would likely reply “no” to that question. What does the Bible have to say about money and possessions? Are we to be like those who condemn all possessions and wealth? Do we think (as 1 Tim. 6:10 is often misquoted) that money is the root of all evil? The Bible teaches us that there is a purpose for wealth and riches. God gives material blessings for our enjoyment and for us to share with others. However, there is great danger with riches as well. It is the LOVE of money that is the root of all evil. The Epistle of James has encouraged us that we should live humbly before God The humble life is demonstrated in our words, in our plans, and, here in chapter 5, in how one views money and riches. James sets before us “A Warning to the Rich - and to All” (James 5:1-6). Instead of trusting in riches and taking advantage of others, as the men in James 5 do, we are called to live lives of bold faith in God and cheerful generosity to others. Believers in Christ know that all wealth is given as a gift from God.

I. Riches are Fleeting
II. Riches can Corrupt
III. The Misuse of Riches Brings Condemnation

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