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Marks of the Christian 5: Seeking Peace Part 2

August 25, 2019 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Romans

Topic: AM Service Passage: Romans 12:17–21

In Romans 12:14-16, the Apostle Paul encouraged believers who were or would be facing persecution (because he has told us that persecution is a part of the Christian life) that they are to have the perspective of the Lord Jesus. Rather than giving in to our natural tendencies to call down God’s curse on those who are persecuting us, we are to call down God’s blessing. This is impossible in our flesh – the only way that we can obey this command is in the power of the Holy Spirit. Only the born-again believer can possibly face persecution that way and seek for peace. In verses 17 through 24, Paul continues his line of thought and also gives us additional motivation for obedience. He tells us that we are not to respond to evil with evil, but rather to respond with good. Why would we do that? We do that because we recognize that the Lord is sovereign and because we trust Him to bring perfect justice to the world. If you trust the Lord with your soul, you should also trust Him to be just. That is “The Marks of the Christian 5: Seeking Peace (Part 2)” (Romans 12:17-21).

I. Repaying Evil with Good
A. Do Away with the Natural Response
B. Living in Peace

II. Trusting the Lord
A. Leaving Vengeance to God
B. A Testimony for Good

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