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The Death and Burial of Jesus

November 22, 2015 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Luke

Topic: AM Service Passage: Luke 23:44–56

Death is the great unknown. For many people, there is nothing more fearful than death. Great effort is put forth to put off the day of death, and maybe even more effort to avoid thinking about the day of death. But the Bible tells us that there was one man who was perfectly prepared for death – He went to His death willingly, that others might have life. Luke details for us the last moments of Jesus, and His burial that followed. He does this so that we can have hope, knowing that our sins are forgiven because Jesus truly paid it all. Without the truth of Jesus death, there can be no resurrection. Luke reminds us that we can only come to the resurrection through “The Death and Burial of Jesus” (Luke 23:44-55).

I. Jesus’ Death is Effectual
A. Bears the Wrath of God
B. Opens the Way to God
C. Shows Us How to Trust God

II. Jesus Death was Public
A. The Centurion
B. The Countrymen
C. The Followers

III. Jesus’ Death Changes Everything
A. Strengthening Disciples
B. Bringing Compassion
C. Showing the Truth

Questions for consideration: (1) If we take the death of Jesus for granted, what does that say about the way we view ourselves? The world? (2) What caused the centurion to view Jesus differently? What do you think the centurion would have said beforehand that he wanted in order to believe Jesus? What does that tell us about ourselves? (3) Have you been faced with a challenge like Joseph?

More in Luke

December 20, 2015

The Reality of Jesus

December 6, 2015

The Road to Emmaus

November 29, 2015

The Resurrection of Jesus