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Strangers and Pilgrims

October 21, 2012 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Genesis

Topic: AM Service Passage: Genesis 23:1–23:20

Following the Lord by faith means that we will be strangers and pilgrims in a land not our own. Those who trust Jesus look for "a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them a city." (Hebrews 11:16)

I. Pilgrims Experiencing Loss
A. Not Immune From Death
B. Not Immune From Grief


II. Pilgrims Sojourning in the World
A. Not Having a Permanent Home

B. Not Like Others


III. Pilgrims Clinging to the Promise
A. Not Clinging to the Old
B. Not Exhausting God’s Promises


Questions for consideration: (1) Do you long for “a better city”? Can you give up what you have now to obtain it? (2) How does God prepare us for leaving this world? How has He prepared you? (3) How do your neighbors and friends see you clinging to the promises of God?

More in Genesis

July 21, 2013

God's Good Purpose

July 14, 2013

Israel's Prophecy

June 16, 2013

Seeing What God Sees