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Update on COVID-19 for May 22, 2020

COVID information blogpost

This week is the week! On Sunday, May 24, the congregation will resume in-person worship. There will be some significant differences as we gather - sitting in such a way to promote social distancing, differences in how we celebrate the Lord's Supper, and even some differences in how we sing. But it is the first step back toward normal.

I want to remind you that if you have decided to continue to worship via live stream that I am supportive of your decision regarding your safety. Each family has to make their own decision about being in a crowd for the next few months. But I also want to encourage you to continue to make your participation in worship as normal as possible by singing, standing and sitting, and participating in corporate prayer. There is one thing that will not be possible for those at home - we will be celebrating the Lord's Supper this Sunday. Because the Lord's Supper is a corporate meal that is presided over by the elders, it is not possible to properly participate apart from the physical gathering of the congregation. I understand that those who are at home miss the Supper as much as those gathering at the church. But we should not change the nature of the sacrament because of hard Providence. My good friend, Pastor Matt Bradley, has written an excellent letter on the subject of "virtual communion" that is worth reading.

Remember, as we gather that we will be assisting families as they take their seats to make the greatest use of our space while keeping to guidelines. I ask that you let our ushers and deacons help you find your seats.

Finally, here is a short video I created about our resumption of worship:



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